Human on Wheels: Greenman Festival Accessibility

Friday August 17th 2018

I left work at 12.30pm, had packed the car in the morning, so drove straight to collect my friend, Nia, from Cardiff.

Nia piled her things in the car, including the essential: tent.  This was our first time at Greenman, we had heard a lot of good things so thought it was time to experience it for ourselves.

In this video I share my experience of the accessibility of Greenman Festival.

Bird shit

Three years ago, I headed towards Heron Lake for Access Adventure’s water-ski camp.  I had such an amazing weekend, and I left wearing the biggest smile.  But Ataxia has a way of reminding me that it’s still here, and i was wiped out with exhaustion and a cold for the following few days.

Naturopathy came into my  life, and my healing journey began.  As I’ve cleaned up my diet, to mainly plant based vegan, other things in my life have cleaned up. It is true that when you work on your body, it bring clarity to work on mind and then spirit. Continue reading “Bird shit”