Bird shit

Three years ago, I headed towards Heron Lake for Access Adventure’s water-ski camp.  I had such an amazing weekend, and I left wearing the biggest smile.  But Ataxia has a way of reminding me that it’s still here, and i was wiped out with exhaustion and a cold for the following few days.

Naturopathy came into my  life, and my healing journey began.  As I’ve cleaned up my diet, to mainly plant based vegan, other things in my life have cleaned up. It is true that when you work on your body, it bring clarity to work on mind and then spirit.

As my Naturopathy teacher told me, if you build a house with no foundation it will be shaky.  Feeding your body with the right stuff, what your cells need to dance, it the foundation that your body requires for a stable growth.

Last Sunday, I left my third year running at Heron Lake, wearing the biggest smile.

Monday went like this

5.30am alarm – Water, Meditation, Tony Robbins morning priming, smoothie 8am Work                                                                                                                                            5pm Gym

My energy remained with me that week…..

During the last week of school term, I was invited into Ysgol Llanhari Comprehensive School, to deliver 4x 1 hours talk to year 7 pupils.  As with all my talks, I thoroughly enjoy the experience, and if I can impact one persons life, then it’s all worth it.

My close friend, Ffion, is the headmistress of the primary school, when I finished the 4th talk she came to meet me and gave me a hand back to the car.  As we walked through the car park, I saw, at the corner of my eye, something shooting down and splat on my bag and back, like someone had shot me with a paint gun.

Then I heard Ffion’s laughter as she noticed the bird poo on my back, but it quickly turned into a slight panic as she frantically searched her top for splattering

The bird shit had splattered on my bag, back of my shirt and on Ffion’s top, and I couldn’t stop laughing.  It is believed that bird shit will bring you money, and this is why my usual response to a bird dropping a white present on me is lets do the lottery.

But instead I smiled to myself because, at that moment, after spending the morning doing something I love, and the energy I’m experiencing from my healthy lifestyle,  I don’t need to win the lottery, I’m already winning

We  forget that we always have a depends on our perception,how we look at life and everything that happens.  Do we focus on the negative or does the positives dominate. People ofen ask me ‘but don’t you miss treats’ and I reply with ‘no, why would I miss it, I get the biggest treat, my health’



2 Replies to “Bird shit”

  1. Tina, Shwd wyt ti? Fe wnaeth y blog yma neud i mi chwerthin mas yn uchelar ddiwrnod digon tywyll. ma dy euruau wedi rhoi hwb i mi heddi. what a woman u are! cofion cynnes, mair xxx

  2. Hia Mair! Diolch enfawr am dy neges, clywed pethau fel hyn sydd yn fy wneud i barhau ceisio ysbrydoli a helpu eraill. Gobeithio dy fod yn cadw’n iawn!! Parhau i chwerthin mas yn uchel xx

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